


1. Name and Objects

The name of the organisation shall be the Occupational Pensioners’ Alliance (OPA). OPA is a national, democratic and non party-political organisation representing the interests of members of occupational pension schemes.

The object of OPA is to develop and promote policies that are in the interests of members of occupational pension schemes (principally the pensioner members and those entitled to a deferred pension) and to influence national and European policy making. Principally, this will be by contact with the UK government, Members of Parliament, European institutions and the media. OPA will also share with its member associations information regarding its activities and about pension matters generally, and seek their viewpoints.


Membership is open to occupational pensioners’ associations and others, with the agreement of the Council.


The management of OPA is the responsibility of a Council consisting of not more than twelve persons who are members of associations belonging to OPA and who have been duly nominated by their own associations to serve on the OPA Council. No member association may nominate more than one person to serve on the Council. A member association which has a councillor may choose an alternate to that councillor to attend meeting(s) and act as their council member.

The Council shall resolve issues by majority vote. The chairman shall have a casting vote. A quorum for the conduct of Council business shall be six, one of whom shall be the chairman or the executive officer. In the chairman’s absence the executive officer shall take the chair.

The Council shall retire at each AGM. Council members shall be eligible for re-nomination by their association. The Council shall have power to co-opt from member associations. The Council shall meet not less than four times a year.

Attendance and participation at Council meetings by non-councillors is at the discretion of the chairman but they will not vote.


The Council shall elect the following officers: chairman, executive officer, and treasurer. The election procedure shall be as follows: The chairman shall be elected first. In the event of a tied vote, the outcome shall be determined by the toss of a coin.


The day-to-day management of OPA shall be the responsibility of the chairman and the executive officer reporting to the Council.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a place, date and time to be determined by the Council but not later than 31st May each year. Notice of at least one calendar month shall be given to all member associations.

Extraordinary General Meetings may be held either at the instance of the Council or by written notice to the Council from ten member associations, including a resolution to be placed before member associations. The place, date and time of such meeting shall be determined by the Council and shall take place within two months of the receipt of written notice. Notice of at least one month shall be given to all member associations and shall include the resolution to be placed before the meeting. The chairman of a general meeting will be chosen by the Council. The chairman shall have a casting vote.

Each member association shall be entitled to one vote. Associations not present may register a directed or discretionary proxy vote with the chairman of the meeting. Associations who abstain do not count in the calculation of a two-thirds majority.

In the event of ties in the voting for Council members, there will be another vote with just those tied for inclusion on the Council as candidates. Only if that fails to resolve the issue will the chairman’s casting vote be used.


The financial year shall commence each 1st January.

A Bank or Building Society Account shall be maintained in the name of OPA under the supervision of the Treasurer. All monies drawn will require two signatures from a panel of four appointed by Council.

Monies drawn shall be applied solely in pursuit of the objectives of OPA. No monies may be paid to OPA members other than the refund of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of OPA. The treasurer shall report on the financial affairs of the OPA to each Council meeting. Accounts shall be prepared, scrutinised by a suitable person, and submitted for approval to the AGM.

The annual subscription shall be proposed by Council and determined at the Annual General Meeting. (Currently, the annual subscription is 4P per Member of the subscribing association, with a minimum of £40.00 and a maximum of £400.00.) Additional voluntary funding may be proposed between general meetings, by levy on a basis agreed by Council.


Alterations to these Rules may be made only by formal resolution at General Meeting and approved by a two-thirds majority of associations in membership.


Winding-up of the OPA shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at General Meeting. Any surplus funds shall be donated to such charity or charities for the benefit of the elderly as may be determined by majority vote at the final General Meeting.


This Constitution replaces the Interim Constitution under which the Council has been operating prior to the first AGM.